Established as Alpha Omega Institute in 1992, Ignite Christian Academy has been providing students with at-home Christian education opportunities for more than 20 years. Thanks to advances in technology, studying at our online academy is a simple, convenient, and practical way to obtain an education from anywhere in the world! This week, in honor of National Distance Learning Week, take some time to celebrate the opportunities distance learning provides:
1. Treat yourself with a virtual field trip. No matter what you're studying or where you'd like to go, online resources make exploring many parts of the world fun and easy.
2. Write a note to academy teachers and staff to tell them just how much you appreciate the work they do.
3. Challenge yourself to take advantage of online office hours and online classrooms. Set a goal to attend at least one new activity this week, such as prayer time, French club, or book club.
4. Share with fellow distance learners what you enjoy most about obtaining your education at ICA. Post your comment on our Facebook page or send us a tweet to share your opinion. Plus, see what classmates have to say about their ICA education!
What is your favorite part of distance learning?