Pecos Tatum is currently taking 4th grade classes with Ignite Christian Academy. He enjoys working with numbers and has taken interest in auctioneering. Outside of school, Pecos enjoys ordinary television and games, but what makes him unique is being an extreme cowboy.
Pecos has been involved in rodeos since he was four years old. He currently competes in tie down roping, double mugging, goat tying, team roping, ribbon roping, and steer riding, with his favorite being tie down roping. Pecos can tie a calf up to 170 pounds!
Most of the rodeos Pecos competes in are two to four hours from home, but he and his family recently traveled as far as 19 hours in order to compete. When he is older, Pecos would like to compete in rodeos on a professional level. He is also interested in becoming a rodeo stock contractor someday.
It wasn’t surprising to hear the young cowboy’s answer when asked to pick three things that he loves above all else. Pecos replied, “God, family, and rodeo!” His teachers are confident that his hard work and dedication as a child will lead to great success in the future.