Dear Parents,
Each spring, Ignite Christian Academy leaders take time to reflect on the previous year and evaluate the quality of what we offer, both academically and operationally. These meetings sometimes result in change. This year, along with a few small changes, comes one change that will directly affect every family within the academy.
A great deal of time, effort, and energy goes into the planning and implementation of education at Ignite Christian Academy. Once you have registered, you must choose which curriculum to use, which courses to take, and how you want to pay for them. Throughout the year, you need someone to answer your questions, too. What are participation projects? When is the best time to reach my child's teacher? If my child needs help, to whom do I go? What if I want to take a three-week trip to Europe? Does my child really have to work the week between Christmas and New Year's? What is the MAP test? Is my child on track? How can I know exactly how much work my child completes each day? These and many other questions may run through your mind throughout the course of the school year.
To help answer such questions, Ignite Christian Academy is excited to introduce the new position of education coordinator. This individual will assist you in organizing your child's education from start to finish. They will aid in the selection of curriculum and courses, and help you choose a payment plan that suits your family. The education coordinator will be your go-to contact at Ignite Christian Academy, sharing information with you regarding your child's progress and MAP testing results, and finding answers to any questions that may arise during the school year. The education coordinator is, essentially, your "one-stop shop" with regards to your child's education. We believe this change will allow us to better serve you and your family, and we look forward to working with you to coordinate your child's education from start to finish each year.
Having worked with the academy as academic advisors or family advocates, all of our education coordinators are people with whom you are familiar. They have already assisted you with many questions, however, we have increased their knowledge base through an intense training program and are happy to present to you our group of trained and skilled education coordinators.