Lead English Teacher
BA Journalism (University of Southern Mississippi)
MEd (Texas State University)
Other Fields
I was a journalist for 10 years and also worked in administrative and marketing roles prior to becoming an educator.
Enjoy Most
I love working one-on-one with my students and advising the student publication The Blue Umbrella.
Keep your eyes on Jesus and don’t let the world sway your path.
About Me
I was born in Florida, but I grew up all over the U.S. I started elementary school in Arkansas, went to middle school in Illinois, and finished high school in Louisiana. Right after finishing up college in Mississippi, I lived and worked in Florida for nearly a year. I married my high school best friend, and we continued to travel and live all over. Some of my addresses have included Charleston, South Carolina; Naples, Italy; Groton, Connecticut; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and Austin, Texas. When my husband and I first got married, he was in the US Navy and worked on submarines. After that we went into full-time ministry. He has pastored churches and worked in para-church organizations for nearly 20 years. We’ve been married more than 30 years and have three children. All of our children are now grown and married. We were blessed with our first grandchild in April of 2020. Today, I live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast with my husband, our two dogs, and my mother-in-law. We have three wonderful grandchildren.
Favorite Verse
I do love Jeremiah 29:11-13 because if you seek God, you will find Him when you pray to Him with all your heart.
First Job
I was a lifeguard at our neighborhood pool. I also wrote obituaries for my town newspaper.
Gardening, sewing, swimming, sailing, and puzzles
Bucket List Item
I want to see sea turtles and manatee in the wild. I know both are nearby in my new home. I look forward to spotting them. I also want to sail to a Caribbean island in the near future.
Favorite Place
My favorite places are always changing because I find a new favorite every time I travel. Most recently these places would be Madrid, Spain; Naples, Italy; Florence, Italy; Ischia, Italy; and Budapest, Hungary.
Person I’d Like to Meet
The Apostle Paul must be such an interesting person. I can’t wait to hear his stories one day when I get to heaven.