Lead Math Teacher
BS Mathematics (Texas State University)
MEd Curriculum and Instruction (University of Texas)
About Me
I grew up in a small South Texas town. I met my husband during a blind date. God had him picked out all for me! He was stationed in San Antonio, TX. After we married, we were stationed in Korea for 2 years. We moved 15 times before settling in his hometown of small town Minnesota. We have 3 children, and we love spending time together playing board games, cards, and taking family vacations.
Favorite Verse
Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” I find this so true. Even though time and time again, I know God is in control, I still struggle to submit, but when I do He takes care of me.
First Job
Teaching Geometry at Fox Tech High School in San Antonio TX
Reading, watching Hallmark movies, and shopping
Bucket List Item
Niagara Falls and Macy’s Day Parade
Favorite Place
Washington, DC
Person I’d Like to Meet
Albert Einstein. He is so interesting.