With a global student body, we at Ignite Christian Academy® have an incredible privilege to mark our Lord's incarnation with fellow Christians all over the world. At the same time, the Christmas experiences and traditions of our students are quite different.
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Homemade Cinnamon Christmas Ornaments
Looking for an inexpensive holiday ornament to decorate your house this Christmas? Then, try these cinnamon-scented, cookie-cutter Christmas ornaments. Not only will these fun-to-make decorations fill your home with the delicious aroma of cinnamon, but they also make great holiday gift ideas for family and friends.
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National Honor Society Member Selection
Recently, Ignite Christian Academy® sent an email inviting all 11th and 12th grade distance learning students to apply for membership in ICA's Chapter of the National Honor Society. More than just an honor roll, the National Honor Society is an exciting nationwide organization that consists of many chapters in high schools across the United States. Membership is based upon a student's outstanding performance in four areas: academic achievement, service, leadership, and character.
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A Christmas of Thanksgiving
This year in Iowa, a weather-delayed corn harvest continued well after Thanksgiving. Large green or red farm tractors frequently passed Ignite Christian Academy® on their way to the grain elevator, pulling tandem hopper wagons piled high with Iowa gold. Although some farmers barely escaped with their crop before the winter snow, they were blessed with another good harvest, bringing to mind the words of the old hymn, "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come." "All is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin. God, our Maker, doth provide, for our wants to be supplied."
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The Biblical Basis for Christian Schools
Parents give various reasons for placing their children in Christian schools instead of tax-supported public schools. Some make the decision to lay a better academic foundation or escape a dangerous environment, while others base their choice on a desire to protect their children from secularizing influences, anti-biblical indoctrination, and ungodly social pressure. Although these reasons are all justified, what does the Bible command about Christian schools?
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Compared to What?
After receiving a "C" on his language arts test, my youngest son's discouraged face told me he was frustrated. I saw there was deep emotion waiting to be expressed. Offering a listening ear and a patient hug, he began to share, "I'm not as smart as everyone else in this family." He thought he wasn't as good as his siblings, and he wanted to be an "A" student, too. Hearing his broken heart, I reflected on my own childhood experience with insensitive teachers comparing my performance in school to high-achieving, older siblings.
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The First Thanksgiving
As you gather around the table this Thanksgiving to enjoy family, friends, and good food, don't forget to thank God for His blessings. However, you should also take a minute to remember how Thanksgiving began and how God used a courageous group of pilgrims to found our great nation.
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Conference Encourages and Inspires ICA Teachers
Ignite Christian Academy® cares about helping its teachers be the best they can be for the benefit of every ICA distance learning student. Recently, the entire ICA teaching staff was encouraged and inspired toward new steps in excellence while attending a training in-service at the Heartland Christian Educators' Convention from October 1-2 on the campus of Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa.
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Pumpkin Cheesecake with Caramel
Tired of eating the same pumpkin pie every year for Thanksgiving dessert? Why not surprise your family this holiday and try something delectably different with this easy-to-make, mouth-watering pumpkin cheesecake recipe that serves ten people.
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Defining the Parents’ Role in Preserving Academic Integrity
Cheating in schools has always been a concern; however, in today's high-tech age, where students can find information quickly on the web or in text messages from friends, it is perhaps more prevalent than ever. According to a December 1, 2008, AP news story titled "Survey Finds Growing Deceit Among Teens," 64% of all U.S. teens admitted to cheating on a test in high school.
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