Educational research does not always provide us with clear answers, but it does show that increased communication between teachers and students results in increased student success. At Ignite Christian Academy, we strive to break down the barrier of distance in order to connect students to teachers and enhance education. One way we promote communication is through participation projects.
If you are new to Ignite Christian Academy this year, you may have noticed participation projects in your gradebook. Students complete the projects by engaging in a meaningful academic interaction with their teacher. In high school, the projects show up in core courses once per unit. In grades three through eight, the projects appear once per semester in history and math courses.
There are three ways to complete participation projects:
1. Attend an online classroom in the required subject area. Online classrooms are offered each week and can be accessed by viewing the online classroom schedule.
2. Attend online office hours with your teacher. In your account you will find a list of times when your teachers are available and the link you'll need to reach them. If there is a conflict between your schedule and your teacher's schedule, feel free to attend the general online office hours.
3. Speak with a teacher on the phone. You may call your teacher directly or contact the academic support hotline at 877-543-0148.
Here are a few tips for success as you work on participation projects:
1. Look ahead to ensure you complete the project before you get to the unit test.
2. If you choose to call in and speak with a teacher on the phone, think of something you would like to talk or ask about in the unit. This will make the conversation much more meaningful and interesting.
3. Check the online classroom schedule each week to see what classes are being offered. Plan to attend one that will help you complete your participation project.
Mr. Joseph Bakker