English Course for Grades 9, 10
Course Length
2 Semesters
English I is a two-semester course, generally taken in 9th grade, that introduces students to the fundamentals of the English language.
English I is a two-semester course, generally taken in 9th grade, that introduces students to the fundamentals of the English language. In the first semester, students explore grammar, the history of language, word definitions and English usage, essay writing, and the short story. In the second semester, students study English through prose and poetry, speech and communication, drama, and the novel. Two of the works studied in this course are The Miracle Worker and Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea.
In this course from our online academy, students cover in-depth grammar topics such as parts of speech, verb tense and voice, verb conjugation, root words, dictionary usage, and sentence structure. Moving into English literature and usage, the course also has units on letter writing, drama elements and history, imagery and symbolism, types of novels, subject matter, and plots and perspective. Each unit of the course from our online academy contains quizzes and tests to evaluate progress and student mastery. Projects include paragraph writing and several essay projects.
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Overview of Concepts
- The Structure of Language
- The Nature of Language
- Words and Writing
- Paragraphs, Essays, and Research Reports
- Short Stories
- Structure and Meaning in Prose and Poetry
- Communication
- Drama
- Studies in the Novel
- Review