The elementary department has been adapting some of their online class offerings this year. One big change is the addition of our online elementary art class. This is a big adjustment with the addition of using webcams and creating the art projects right along with the students. The art projects that are chosen relate to specific artistic styles, holiday themes, or children’s stories that are read to the group as part of the classes.
So far, we have made our own version of Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night, flat and solid shape animals, string pumpkins, thankful turkeys, and playful snowmen from the book Snowmen at Night. These art classes are a great way to tie extra creativity into the ICA curriculum and help to bridge some of the students and curriculums together. It is also great to see some of the different project adaptations the children come up with when they build off the teacher’s guidance and instruction.The next elementary art class is scheduled for Monday, December 12, at 2 p.m. (CT) and is open to any Ignite Christian Academy student in grades K-6. This month, we will be making Christmas angels. Watch the online class list email for more information on the required materials and future art classes, too!