For the first time in Ignite Christian Academy's 10-year history, students, family, and friends from Tallahassee to Timbuktu will be able to attend an ICA graduation from the comfort of their personal computers and portable electronic devices.
On May 25, 17 ICA grads will don caps and gowns in Sioux Center, Iowa, for the academy's second commencement ceremony of the season. On this occasion, however, video of the event will be streamed in real time for all the world to see.
"We are thrilled to be able to share our graduation virtually all over the world," said Principal Deb Secord, who looks forward to addressing the mix of on-campus and online guests. "What an opportunity!"
The webcast will air Friday, May 25 at 7 p.m. (CST) from the campus of Dordt College. Both PC and Mac users with access to Windows Media Player will be able to virtually attend the celebration by logging on to our website.
Grab your front-row seat, and we'll see you there!