One of the perks of studying through Ignite Christian Academy is accreditation, which helps set students up for post-high school success. Accreditation helps increase the recognition of ICA credits among other institutions, improves acknowledgement when applying for federal student aid or scholarships for college, and more.
In order to renew our accreditation with AdvancED, the organization requires that students and parents participate in a survey about their experience at Ignite Christian Academy. The survey presents families like yours with an opportunity to provide honest, constructive feedback about your time at ICA. The details you choose to share in the anonymous survey help us discover which things we're doing well and identify where there's room for improvement.
We ask all students and parents to prayerfully consider participating in the survey. Your input not only helps us improve, but also plays an important role in helping us renew our accreditation through AdvancED.
Surveys will remain open through Sunday, November 9.
Click the link that applies to you to begin your survey:
Thank you for helping Ignite Christian Academy continue its role as a leader in Christian distance education.