An Online Private School Like No Other
Try Ignite Christian Academy For Free
Explore our demo courses, brochure, video tutorials, and
catalog to learn more about our Academy.
Shape Tomorrow’s Leaders At Home
Explore moments of connection with
real AOP families to hear the highlights and obstacles from their home learning journeys.
Demo Courses
See for yourself why families all over the world trust
AOP’s Ignite Christian Academy. Access free courses in the demo account by choosing one of the
usernames below (we recommend you copy/paste this or write it down) and enter the password on the
login page.
Demo Student Login:
Elementary School
Demo Login & Password: elementary
Demo Login & Password: elementary
Middle School
Demo Login & Password: MiddleSchool
Demo Login & Password: MiddleSchool
High School
Demo Login & Password: HighSchool
Demo Login & Password: HighSchool

Pre K-12 Personalized Learning
Never one-size-fits all, each individual learning plan is
determined by each student's goals, current academic situation, and style of learning, giving every
student the best chance to flourish.

Teacher, Tutor, and Counselor Support
Designed to help students gain the knowledge and thinking
skills they'll need for life, work, and higher education, our comprehensive curriculum blends
self-paced learning with 24/7 support from certified teachers and tutors. Our teachers and counselors
are committed to the overall social emotional health of students through discipleship.

Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is available for families looking to
reduce the investment but not compromise the quality of their child’s education. Explore scholarships,
our referral program, state funding available and more.

Step-By-Step Support
We understand the importance
of your child’s education. Connect with a home learning mentor for more information and peace of mind. Call 800.682.7396 or schedule a callback today
and feel confident in choosing Ignite.