Download and print your free Kindergarten Readiness Evaluation now.
More About Ignite Christian Academy
Ignite Christian Academy is an accredited private school that offers full teacher support. Pre K & Kindergarten are available with 2 courses each and open enrollment year round for $1,391/year or $500 upfront + 9 payments of $99. Ignite Kindergarteners consistently test over the national Galileo DL average scores for those wanting to stay on track to transfer to a public or private institution after Kinder.
Call 800-682-7396 to discuss becoming an Ignite Knight or schedule a callback.
More About Horizons
Horizons by AOP is a homeschooling curriculum where you are the teacher & principal of your homeschool. Enjoy parent and student workbooks, resources and more for your Pre K or Kinder child using the spiral learning method.
Shop Horizons Pre K & Kindergarten
More About LIFEPAC
LIFEPAC by AOP is a homeschooling curriculum focused on Language Arts and Math for Kindergarteners. LIFEPAC Launch Packs are an optional add on for learning with manipulatives.
Call 1-800-622-3070 to discuss LIFEPAC and Horizons or schedule a callback.