The support to thrive
Undivided attention from tutors. Infinite potential for students.
Ignite Christian Academy partners with TutorMe to provide 1:1
on-demand online tutoring to students in grades 5-12.
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Anytime, online tutoring now available.
Online Tutoring Anytime
We connect students with highly qualified expert
tutors for one-on-one support in 300+ subjects whenever and wherever they need it the most.
1:1 Tutoring
Tutors aren’t juggling multiple sessions simultaneously;
they’re providing one-on-one support to help students master concepts, build self-confidence, and
Top-Notch Tutors
Our thriving community of teachers includes thousands of
certified teachers, professionals, advanced-degree holders, and other subject matter experts.
Interactive Lesson Pace
Face-to-face collaboration through Lesson Space uses live
audio/video chat while simultaneously empowering learners to feel more confident and productive in a
virtual setting.
About TutorMe
TutorMe is a platform for online tutoring and student
engagement that provides academic support for learners who may have limited access to tutoring. Every learner
should have access to highly qualified and knowledgeable tutors. TutorMe is the online tutoring solution of
the future and provides live, interactive, and engaging tutoring sessions for students.