Distance learning through Ignite Christian Academy® is a convenient, enriching learning experience! We're always looking for ways to help ICA families connect, share, and grow. To create this sense of community, we looked for a place where parents and students alike could come together, and we discovered the answer was right in front of us. An official ICA Facebook page is the perfect place for you to get news about ICA, be encouraged as a distance learning family, and talk with other families just like yours!
Are you new to Facebook? Here's how it works: organizations create Facebook pages which allow users to "like" them and what they do. Official pages look and behave much like a user's personal private profile, with a wall to which individual comments are posted, including status updates from the administrator of the official page. Anyone who "likes" the page can write on the wall to share their thoughts and ideas. The original poster, page administrator, and virtually anyone can then join in the discussion.
Official Facebook pages are like well-kept secrets, but once you learn of their existence and what they can do for you as an ICA parent or student, you'll wonder how you ever got by without them. Social networkers use websites like Facebook to stay in touch with friends and keep track of what's new in friends' lives, and that's exactly how the official ICA Facebook page works.
For example, did you know that when you "like" ICA's Facebook page, you can go online 24 hours a day, seven days a week to host or join discussions about courses or project assignments and share ideas that enrich the learning experience? You also can have the ability to share tips and post comments for others who "like" ICA. All of this and more is possible on ICA's official page.
Your experience with the official ICA Facebook page can be as interactive as you make it. In addition to discussion forums, this page also serves as a prime resource for relevant reading material, and many people who "like" it simply log on to read regular blog posts and eNewsletters or read eye-opening articles on distance learning. Daily status updates share everything from devotional thoughts to teacher updates and appear in your own news feed no differently than status updates from your Facebook friends. As long as you remain active, updates continue to flow into the news feed on the wall of your personal Facebook page.
One of the beauties of Facebook is that the site allows you to scan the activities of dozens of people in a matter of minutes. Think of ICA just like you do any of your Facebook friends: as a buddy you'd like to stay in touch with and check in on once in a while to see what's new.
The truth is that in today's society, you'd be hard-pressed to find a parent or student who hasn't created a Facebook profile (or anyone over 13, Facebook's legal age for signing up). According to the company's own statistics, 400 million people have active Facebook accounts, and the average user spends over 55 minutes a day on the website. Official pages themselves are gaining ground, too, reports the site. More than 20 million people "like" official Facebook pages each day, for a total of 5.3 billion people worldwide, and each week, the average user "likes" four new pages.
The goal of the official Ignite Christian Academy Facebook page is to provide a place for the distance learning community to connect. On the official ICA Facebook page, two-way communication is quick, easy, and sincere. Once you've visited, feel free to host or join a discussion!
Visit the Official Ignite Christian Academy Facebook page. It's easy. To connect, simply go to our page and click on "like."