Christmas is coming, and that means the songs are on the radio and lights brighten neighborhoods in the evening. Though we see many expressions of the celebration of Christmas at this time of year, including decorations, family events, and Christmas specials, I am reminded of how Simeon celebrated Christ’s birth.
Luke 2 is probably the most read Bible passage at this time of year. Verses 8 through 14 are recited on national television each year as they are shared near the end of A Charlie Brown Christmas; however, as we look further in this chapter, we see the words of Simeon and how he responded to the coming of Jesus Christ.
We don’t know a lot about Simeon. The Bible doesn’t tell us much more than he was a righteous and devout man. What we do know is that the Holy Spirit led him to the temple at the time Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the temple. Simeon responded to the coming of Christ by praising God. He said,
“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word;
for my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to you people Israel.”
This Christmas, let’s follow Simeon’s example and celebrate Christ’s birth by praising God! Let’s praise him for the salvation we have in Christ and that through Christ’s work on the cross, we are reconciled to God.
Mr. Joseph Bakker