With trendy technology stealing the time of today's learners, motivating students to read can be a tricky feat. Yet the important life skill helps students expand vocabulary, master language, improve writings skills, and much more. Here are a few tips to help you raise lifelong readers in the digital age.
– Read aloud to little ones. Doing so promotes both good reading habits and family bonding. When students are old enough, reverse roles and have them read to you.
– Visit the local library. Make it an exciting excursion by getting your learners their own library cards. Let them pick out a few books of their own, and return often to participate in story hour.
– Lead by example. It really doesn't matter what you read as long as you take the time to do it regularly. Devote a chunk of time each day to your favorite book, magazine, or the daily paper, and encourage your students to do the same.
– Celebrate influential authors. Hold a birthday party in honor of your favorite writer or throw a release party in anticipation of a new novel. For ideas, check out these fun crafts to help celebrate Dr. Seuss, whose birthday falls on March 2.
– Don't bash technology. Sure, it can be a distraction, but it can also be a reader's best friend. If your learners like technology, encourage them to use it in an educational manner. Let your students download a new book to the family's mobile reader from time to time for easy access to their favorite works.
How do you inspire your children to read?