Welcome to a new school year at Ignite Christian Academy! A special welcome to new students and families that are joining us this year. It is great to have you as part of the ICA family.
Early fall is always a busy time of year at ICA. As many students begin their fall courses, there are a lot of opportunities to learn new things, acquire new skills, and take steps forward in the pursuit of a Christ-centered education.
This year there are a number of new teachers that have joined ICA. Mrs. Puckett, Ms. Hogrefe, Ms. Constantine, Mrs. Carter, Mr. Lore, and Mrs. Newsome have all joined the ICA faculty. Please join me in welcoming them to our school community.
One key change that ICA has implemented this year is the option of using Google Docs for projects. In addition to the standard file version of each project, there is also a Google Docs version which allows students to view, complete, and submit their projects via Google Docs. This change will eliminate the need for students to install word processing software on their computer for assignments. Instructions for using Google Docs are included in the projects.
I would also like to draw your attention to the Blue Umbrella, a newsletter that is completely written, edited, and produced by ICA students. This will be the Blue Umbrella’s second year of publication. The student-led newsletter is a great way to keep students up to date on things happening at ICA. In addition, the Blue Umbrella is also looking for more team members. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Smith or check out the Blue Umbrella page on the student center.
One last change I would like to bring to everyone’s attention is the addition of Spanish III to our curriculum. This is the first year that Spanish III is available, allowing high school students to complete three full years of Spanish.
Again, we’re glad to have you here at Ignite Christian Academy and hope your year is off to a fantastic start!
Mr. Joseph Bakker