This April, Ignite Christian Academy students are looking forward to a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Washington, D.C., and historic Williamsburg, Virginia. [Read more…]
5 Reasons to Explore Washington D.C. with ICA This Spring

This spring, Ignite Christian Academy is offering students ages 14 and older the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour our nation’s capital with their teachers and peers. The six-day trip to Washington, D.C., and Williamsburg, Virginia, is scheduled for April 17-22 and includes tours of well-known monuments and museums. Check out this short video to learn more about the trip, and read on for five top reasons to participate.
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ICA Teachers Lead Sessions at Heartland Convention
On October 2 and 3, Ignite Christian Academy teachers and staff attended the 2014 Heartland Christian Educators' Convention at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. Christian educators from Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota came together, keeping the mission of the event in mind: "To support the Biblical calling and task of Christian schools by providing collaborative learning opportunities for teachers and administrators."
Two Ignite Christian Academy teachers, Mr. Gesch and Mrs. Pulkrabek, had the opportunity to present at this year's conference, offering wisdom from their time in the teaching community to their peers.
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Ignite Christian Academy Introduces Extend Academic Support Hours
This summer, Ignite Christian Academy launched a pilot program to test the need for extended academic support hours. The summer program was a big success, prompting the online academy for grades K-12 to offer extended hours on a permanent basis.
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Elementary Students Study Black History Month
During February, the elementary department's online classes focused on Black History Month and the African Americans who helped move our country in the positive direction of equality. ICA teachers led discussions about individuals like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., examining how these individuals made huge strides towards the equality of all people. [Read more…]
Gear Up for Learning during the 2014 Olympics
As anticipation for the 2014 Winter Olympics builds, discover how you can turn the games into an educational opportunity for your distance learner. With help from online resources, explore topics from sports writing to the science behind ice skating as you take in the 2014 Games.
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Explore Your Heritage during Family History Month
How much do you know about your heritage? Regardless of your answer to that question, there's always more to learn. Across the U.S., October is recognized as family history month. Take advantage of distance learning's flexibility and work with your family to learn more about your ancestry throughout the next month. Whether you do small scale lessons or ambitious, multi-generational projects, tracking your family's history is an exciting form of education that is unique for each individual. Here are some ideas to help you begin.
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