Does your homeschool or traditional school student want to graduate high school early? If your student is satisfied with his current schooling option, but simply wants to speed up course completion and move up high school graduation, part-time online courses are a good option!
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10 Ideas to Grow Computer Skills and Digital Literacy
October is Computer Learning Month. When could be a better time to grow your student's computer skills and digital literacy? Granted, most K-12 students are digital natives, knowing instinctively how to navigate websites, use smart phones, and even create web content of their own. Sometimes it feels like today's generation come wired for tech use! [Read more…]
8 Tips to Promote Discovery in Your Student
There's no replacement for it.
Discovery is the fuel that drives the desire for learning. Remember when you learned how to balance on a bike or what clouds were made of? Childhood is filled with questions, why this and why that. Most parents can admit to answering thousands of "why?" questions in their lifetime.
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Log On and Learn: How Online K-12 Classes Work
Class is now in session, online that is. Gone are the days of ringing bells, uncomfortable wooden desks, and walking to the front of class to answer a question. [Read more…]
What’s the Difference between Private and Public Online Schools?
Online school websites are everywhere. Every state has them. Some are private, some public, some charter (either public or private), and some umbrella group home schools. With all these options, it's easy for parents to become confused on the options available for alternative education formats. [Read more…]
5 First Day of Fall Outdoor Activity Ideas
Ah, the cool, crisp weather and falling leaves. Fall is here again. Now’s a great chance to enjoy the beauty of autumn with your online student before the winter snows traps you both indoors. Learning doesn’t just happen in lessons. The most memorable learning often happens in a spontaneous, hands-on way and online learning gives you this flexibility!
How to Use Talk Like a Pirate Day in English Class!
Ahoy mateys! Did you know that September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day? More than a silly-fun holiday that turns normal adults and children's speech into marauding bandit-wantabes, Talk Like a Pirate Day can be used to promote and even build English skills. [Read more…]
Tips for Transferring High School Credits
Switching schools can be necessary evil, and the need often happens in high school. Although changing schools in younger grades can be emotionally challenging, changing high schools brings on a whole new set of technical difficulties, especially if moving to another state or transferring to a different school type.
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7 Ways to Keep Your Online Student Accountable
Online learning seems so free, like your student can do courses when he wants, how often he wants, and without a care in the world.
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4 Ways to Celebrate National Grandparents Day
Nanas, grannies, pop-pops, and grandpas, we all have them even if we call them different names. Grandparents are one of the most important structural elements of the family unit, second only to parents themselves. While going back two generations can help in understanding the past, your student can also learn much from grandparents in the areas of wisdom and knowledge.
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