One of the three most popular questions I receive after telling someone I just met that I work for an online Christian school is, “How does that work?” While online education continues to grow, there is still a lot to discover about the opportunities that online education provides. Did you know that ICA has a variety of extra-curricular activities available for students? While we haven’t started a virtual football team, here are a few activities that are available: [Read more…]
Search Results for: counseling
Adree Steventon
School Counseling Supervisor
MS School Counseling
BS Human Services
About Me
I grew up in northwestern North Dakota in oil boom country. I now live in Sioux Falls, SD, with my husband, Benjamin. We enjoy the outdoors together, taking hikes, walking trails, and taking pictures of God’s beautiful nature.
Favorite Verse
2 Peter 1:3. “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” This is one of my life verses that often reminds me the Lord has provided ALL I need to live day-by-day for Him.
First Job
I was a babysitter and waitress in high school.
I enjoy reading, baking, hiking, music, and time with friends in my free time.
Bucket List Item
I enjoy traveling, so there are several places I’d love to visit someday: England, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand, and Israel are at the top of my list.
Favorite Place
I love almost anywhere with mountains. Glacier National Park (MT) and Pikes Peak (CO) have been a couple of my favorites.
Person I’d Like to Meet
I’d really enjoy meeting Barnabas from the book of Acts. I appreciate how he was such a source of encouragement to the early church. He is not mentioned often, but when he is, his character shines through.
Marcia Klimes
French/Music/Digital Arts Teacher
BA French/Music Education
MA School Counseling
About Me
I was raised on a small farm near George, Iowa. My husband and I live in Brandon, SD. We have 4 grown children (all married) and 8 grandchildren, all living within 15 miles of us. We are so blessed!
Favorite Verse
Philippians 4:8. “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
I think it’s important to dwell on the positives of life rather than the negatives.
First Job
Teaching piano lessons.
Cooking, golfing, reading, playing piano and organ, playing bridge, gardening and canning, photography, ancestry, and spending time with family
Bucket List Item
I’d like to travel, specifically to Hawaii, France, Ireland, and Israel, the Holy Land. I’d like to go up in a hot air balloon. I’d also like to learn and play the Bach Toccata in F major on the organ.
Favorite Place
Puerto Vallarta
Person I’d Like to Meet
Warren Buffet
Introduction to Consumer Services
Introduction to Consumer Services is a perfect course for students who wish to land a career that involves helping others. Throughout the semester, students in grades 9-12 discuss topics including record keeping, consumer advocacy, counseling, sales, translating, design, writing, and public relations.
This career course is recommended for students who plan to start a service-based business or study economics after high school. Recurring themes throughout the course include social issues, advocacy, ethics, and legalities.
College List
Ignite Christian Academy graduates have attended many institutes of higher learning, pursuing a wide variety of degrees, and that list continues to grow each year!
Where Graduates Have Been Accepted
- Advanced Technical Institute of Virginia Beach
- Alamance Community College
- Alamanz Community College
- Alexandria School of Scientific Therapeutics Inc
- Algoma University College
- All Saints Counseling Center
- Allan Hancock College
- American Intercontinental University Online
- Andrews University
- Angelo State University
- Anoka-Ramsy Community College
- Appalachian Bible College
- Arizona State University
- Armstrong Atlantic State University
- Art Institute of Dallas
- Art Institute of Pittsburg
- Art Institute of Portland
- Art Institute of Portland, Juniata college
- Art Institute of Washington
- Art Institute Online
- Auburn University of Florida
- Augusta Technical College
- Aveda Institute
- Baker College of Cadillac
- Bakersfield College
- Baton Rouge Community College
- Baylor University
- Belmont University
- Berkeley University
- Berklee College of Music
- Blackhawk College
- Blinn College
- Blue Ridge Community College
- Bob Jones University
- Boise State University
- Bossier Parish Community College
- Boston Medical Center
- Bradford School of Business
- Brenau University
- Brewton Parker College
- Brookdale Community College
- Brookdale Community College
- Brooks Institute of Photography
- Broward Community College
- Brown Mackie College
- Brunswick Community College
- BYU Hawaii
- Calvary Chapel Bible College
- Calvin College
- Cambell University
- Cape Fear Community College
- Carl College
- Case Western Reserve University
- Casper College
- Central Bible College
- Central Christian College of Bible
- Central Christian College of Kansas
- Central Florida Community College
- Central Piedmont Community College
- Central Texas College
- Central Wyoming College
- Charleston Southern University
- Chesapeake College
- Christ for the Nations
- Christ for the Nations Institute
- City University of New York
- Clarkston Community School
- Coastal Georgia Community College
- College of Notre Dame of Maryland
- College of The Bahamas
- College of the Ozarks
- College of Wooster
- Collin Creek Community College
- Colorado Mountain College
- Columbia College
- Columbia State Community College
- Cooper Institute of Dallas
- Corban College
- Crown Bible College
- Cuesta Community College
- Dakota Technical College
- Davie County Community College
- Davis College
- Daytona Beach Community College
- Delaware Technical
- Delgado Community College
- Dickenson State University
- Drury University
- Dyersburg State Community College
- East Central College
- East Georgia College
- Easte Mennonite University
- Eastern Illinois University
- Eastern Kentucky University
- Eastern New Mexico University
- Eckerd College
- El Camino College
- Elgin Community College
- Ellsworth Community College
- Emmanuel College
- Erskine College
- Evangelical Institute of Greenville
- Faith School of Theology
- Faulkner University
- Fire School of Ministry
- Flagler College
- Florida Community College
- Florida International College
- Florida State University
- Full Sail University
- Gainesville College
- Garener University
- Gaston College
- Gateway College of Evangelism
- Geneva College
- George Washington University Catholic University
- Georgetown College
- Georgia Highlands College
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- Georgia Perimeter College
- Georgia State University
- Germanna Community College
- Global University
- Goshen College
- Grace College
- Grand Canyon University
- Grand Valley State University
- Grays Harbor Community College
- Greensboro College
- Greenville College
- Griffin Technical College
- Haigazian University
- Harding University
- Harper College
- Hill College
- Hillsdale College
- Hillsong International Leadership College
- Hilsboro Community College
- Houston Baptist University
- Illinois Central College
- Indiana University
- Indiana Wesleyan
- ITT Technical Institute
- Ivy Tech Community College
- James Madison University
- Jamestown Community College
- Jefferson College
- Jefferson Davis Campus
- John Brown University
- Johnson and Wales University
- Johnson College
- Jones County Junior College
- Juniata College
- Kankakee Community College
- Kansas University
- Kennesaw State University
- Lakeshore Technical College
- Laramie County Community College
- Lee University
- Lewis and Clark Community College
- Liberty University
- Louisiana State University
- Louisiana Technical University
- Lubbock Christian Academy
- Luther College
- Lynchburg Gen Hosp School of Nursing
- Maccomb Community College
- Maran Baptist Bible College
- Marshal University
- Marymount University
- Maryville University
- McHenry County College
- McNesse State University
- Messiah College
- Metropolitan State College of Denver
- Miami Dade College
- Michigan State University
- Middle Tennessee State University
- Middlesex Community College
- Midland College
- Midlands Technical College
- Miller-Motte Technical College
- Miriam College
- Mississippi College
- Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
- Missouri State University
- Montana State University
- Montclair State University
- Montgomery College
- Moody Bible Institute
- Moorhead State University
- MS Gulf Coast Community College
- Nashville State Community College
- Nassau Community College
- National Louis University
- New England Culinary Institute
- New Mexico Junior College
- North Central College
- North Greenville University
- North Idaho College
- North Metro Technical
- North Eastern Technical School
- Northern Kentucky University
- Northland Baptist Bible College
- Northwest College
- Northwest Iowa Community College
- Northwest Mississippi Community College
- Northwest Nazarene University
- Northwestern Michigan College
- Norwich University
- Nova Southeastern University
- Nyack College
- Oakland University
- Ohio State University
- Okaloosa Walton College
- Oklahoma State University
- Oral Roberts University
- Oregon State University
- Ozark Technical Community College
- Pacific Union College
- Palm Beach Community College
- Palo Alto College
- Paradise Valley Community College
- Patrick Henry Community College
- Penn State
- Pennsylvania Institute of Technology
- Pensacola Christian College
- Pensacola Junior College
- Perdue University
- Piedmont Community College
- Portland Community College
- Portland State University
- Prince George’s Community College
- Randolph Community College
- Rappahannock Community College
- Redlands Community College
- Riverland Community College
- Robert Morris College
- Roger Williams University
- Rutgers University
- Sam Houston State University
- San Antonio College
- Savanah School of Arts and Design
- Savannah Technical College
- Seattle Pacific University
- Somerset Community College
- South New Hampshire University
- Southeastern Bible College
- Southern Adventist University
- Southern Nazarene University
- Southern New Hampshire University
- Southern Oregon University
- Southwest College
- Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology
- St. Charles Community College
- St. Mary’s College
- St. Louis Christian College
- St. Petersburg College
- Stanford University
- Stephens College
- Sterling College
- Stetson University
- Steven Nightingale
- Suffolk University
- Tallahassee Community College
- Tarrant County Community College
- Taylor University
- Temple University
- Tennessee State University
- Texas A&M University
- Texas College
- Texas Technical University
- Texas Wesleyan University
- The Golf Academy of the Carolinas
- Thomas Nelson Community College
- Three Rivers Community College
- Toccoa Falls College
- Truman State University
- Tulane University
- Tulsa Community College
- Tyler Junior College
- Union College
- University of Alabama
- University of Alaska
- University of California
- University of Central Florida
- University of Cincinnati
- University of Colorado
- University of Findlay
- University of Florida
- University of Georgia
- University of Hawaii
- University of Houston
- University of Idaho
- University of Illinois
- University of Kentucky
- University of Louisiana
- University of Louisville
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore
- University of Minnesota
- University of Mississippi
- University of Mobile
- University of Nevada
- University of New Mexico
- University of New York
- University of Portland
- University of Science and Art
- University of South Dakota
- University of South Florida
- University of St.Thomas
- University of Tampa
- University of Texas
- University of Utah
- University of Virginia
- University of West Georgia
- University of Wisconsin
- Valencia Community College
- Valley Forge Christian College
- Vernon Junior College
- Victory Bible Institute
- Villanova University
- Virginia Marti College of Art and Design
- Virginia Western
- Wake Technical Community College
- Wartburg College
- Washington State
- Washtenaw Community College
- Wayne Community College
- Weatherford College
- Weber State University
- Wenatchee Valley College
- Wesley College
- West Central Technical College
- West Coast Baptist College
- West Virginia University
- Western Kentucky University
- Western Piedmont Community College
- Westwood College
- Wheaton College
- Williams Baptist College
- Wilmington College
- World Harvest Bible College
- Wyoming Technical
- Wyoming University
- Wythville Community College
Interested in who’s supervising, teaching, and servicing your student’s needs at Ignite Christian Academy? Wondering what qualifications and expertise they bring to their position at our distance learning school? Because we know you care about the courses and quality of your child’s Christian education, we’ve included biographies on all staff and personnel. Each brief biography highlights past educational and teaching experiences, personal interests and hobbies, and other background information that might be of interest to you. To learn more about the staff and personnel at Ignite Christian Academy, simply click on the individual’s name listed below.
Name | Position |
April Ackeret-Murphy | English Teacher |
Dawn Anderson | Lead Science Teacher |
Elizabeth Arnold | Science Teacher |
Donald Baker | Bible Teacher |
Erika Blair | English Teacher |
Kevin Born | Math Teacher |
Roger Bouwman | Bible Teacher |
Greg Burns | Science Teacher |
Amber Bush | Elementary Teacher |
Ashley Capello | Science Teacher |
Ciara Casson | English Teacher |
Sandy Chastain | Elementary Teacher |
Michael Cool | History Teacher |
Ellen Dees | English Teacher |
Jessie Eben | Program Manager |
Julia Ellis | Principal |
Jamie Franzini | Elementary Teacher |
Meg Funk | English Teacher |
Adam Gamble | Bible Teacher |
Elizabeth Gamble | Math and Science Instructional Supervisor |
Trey Garzzillo | Science Teacher |
Jonathan Gesink | Math Teacher |
Della Glandorf | Elementary Teacher |
Panayiota Hall | History Teacher |
Kasey Hamilton | English Teacher |
Thadd Harrington | English Teacher |
Chad Hartsock | Bible Teacher |
Sara Hendricks | Science Teacher |
Danielle Henn | Student Engagement Specialist & Art Teacher |
Pam Holland | Elementary Instructional Supervisor |
Holly Horn | Spanish Teacher |
Nicole Hosler | School Counselor (Grades K-6) |
Camilla Hubbard | History Teacher |
Elisha Hutchins | Math Teacher |
Nancy Janney | Math Teacher |
Kenzie Kempfert | Elementary Teacher |
Greg Kilgore | Bible Teacher |
Theresa Kinsey | Science Teacher |
Marcia Klimes | French, Music, and Digital Arts Teacher |
Makinzie Klingenberg | Assistant Program Specialist |
Linda Kraft | English Teacher |
Kelly Kuehn | Elementary Teacher |
John Pierre LaFleur | School Counselor |
Jessica Laverne | Business Teacher |
Marcus Lewis | Physical Education/Health Teacher |
Adrienne Lorence | Elementary Teacher |
Audrey Lyons | Math Teacher |
Andrea McCartney | Elementary Teacher |
Amy McConnell | Assistant Principal |
Lisa McGill | English Teacher |
Kayla Moffitt | English Teacher |
Katie Nice | Lead Bible Teacher |
Shannon Norse | School Counselor (Grades 7-8) |
Becky Novack | Lead History Teacher |
Kristen Parnell | English Teacher |
Bethany Perry | Math Teacher |
Katie Phillips | Elementary Teacher |
Ponmalar Sangeetha Ramesh | Elementary Teacher |
Keri Repka | English and History Instructional Supervisor |
Andrew Russell | Math Teacher |
Megan Sanders | Elementary Teacher |
Terrilyn Scarbrough | Lead Elementary Teacher |
Natalie Scholten | Bible and Electives Instructional Supervisor |
Matt Simpson | Physical Ed, Business, CTE |
Brittany Smith | Elementary Teacher |
Kimberly Smith | Lead English Teacher |
Jessica Steiner | Elementary Teacher |
Adree Steventon | School Counseling Supervisor |
Lauren Strand | Science Teacher |
Whitney Tabb | History Teacher |
Erin Weber | Lead Spanish Teacher |
Calvin Wetzel | Math Teacher |
Roy Williams | Bible Teacher |
Blair Wilson | Education Coordinator |
Rebecca Ward | History Teacher |
Lindsay Wheeler | Elementary Teacher |
Jonathan Woods | Math Teacher |
Nora Wysong | Lead Math Teacher |
Jennifer Yarnell | English Teacher |
Jacquelyn Yelton | Science Teacher |
Renee Zwick | Spanish Teacher |
Ignite Christian Academy Introduces 6 New Career Courses to Ignitia
Ignite Christian Academy is pleased to announce the release of six new career courses for Ignitia online curriculum.
Ranging in topic from national security and government to technology and manufacturing, the semester-long courses for grades 9-12 provide students with academic, life, and career skills to be used in high school, college, and the real world.
[Read more…]
Gearing up for the School Year: Building a Roadmap that Works
As a staff, our desire is to see students be successful in their academic endeavors at Ignite Christian Academy. There are several tools students like you can use when building a roadmap to academic success. Time management and organizational skills are such tools. If you manage time wisely and get organized, you can take the necessary steps to successfully complete your courses and reach your destination.
[Read more…]
2010 Graduation Message
This spring, Ignite Christian Academy Director Gary O'Neill was privileged to attend several of the graduations at locations around the country and delighted to meet many of our most recent graduates and their families. No matter which city he was in (Dallas, Texas; Washington, D.C.; or Orlando, Florida), he saw groups of some of the most committed families and capable young men and women. He heard many wonderful stories about how families were using ICA to enjoy the most creative and enriched education possible today. [Read more…]
Conference Encourages and Inspires ICA Teachers
Ignite Christian Academy® cares about helping its teachers be the best they can be for the benefit of every ICA distance learning student. Recently, the entire ICA teaching staff was encouraged and inspired toward new steps in excellence while attending a training in-service at the Heartland Christian Educators' Convention from October 1-2 on the campus of Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa.
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